In The Room

Essential Conversations | All Perspectives | Ultimate Clarity | Optimal Decisions

Coaching & facilitaion for leaders & their teams facing complexity, crisis or conflict.



adjective; absolutely necessary; extremely important.


noun; a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged and explored.

One conversation can change it all.

When best laid plans fail, results disappoint or the road ahead seems challenging, hostile or uncertain, even the most experienced and accomplished leader can benefit from support to explore the landscape, dervive new understanding and craft new pathways.

Unseen disagreements, ego battles, hidden agendas, hurt, anxiety, burnout, stress and resentments (amongst others), have the potential to derail even the most well-intentioned and intellegent group effort, especially where there is avoidance, disconnection, pressure, or lack of facility to talk honestly and openly.

With these often unseen forces at play in the background, brilliant ideas and even the brightest of goals can be built on flawed notions and faulty perceptions.

Failure to seek to understand the true and acurate picture of reality is the basis of every house of cards that ever existed. Avoidance of conflict or disagreement, or lack of willingness to challenge the status quo are ticking time bombs within business. Some issues are just too important to ignore. Repressed issues are organisational kryptonite.

Enter the role of the ‘Essential Conversation’, one clarifying, robust, honest and safe conversation in pursuit of a deeper understanding- a conversation where preconceptions, bias and prepackaged ideas are weeded out and left at the door- and the unknown, unheard, uncomfortable and unexplored are invited to the party with curiosity in pursuit of better outcomes for all. A journey into the deeper reality at play in order to forge solid foundations for lasting change, innovation and creativity.

All people, all perspectives: In The Room. Coaching and facilitation for leaders and their teams seeking to flourish in these uncertain times.